Psychology Today Online

Psychology Today invited Dr. Risa Shaw to have a blog on their online platform. Here is her first post on how speaking out can be deeply powerful whether it is about children’s agency, publicly coming forward for the world to watch your abusers be convicted, or bringing the words “incest survivor” to a presidential stage for the first time. Risa commits to telling her story, sharing provocations of art, and offering suggestions for action, all in the name of making a difference together.

Podcast #SibilingsToo In The Telling We Do Not Die (episode 58)

October 3, 2024

In this compelling episode, host Nancy Morris dives into a profound discussion with Dr. Risa Shaw, a trailblazer in the study of sibling sexual abuse (SSA). The episode centers around Risa's influential book, Not Child's Play: An Anthology on Brother-Sister Incest, and the transformative power of speaking out about abuse. Together, they discuss the societal stigma that shrouds SSA, the importance of sharing survivor stories, and the ongoing impact of these narratives on reducing isolation and fostering healing.
Risa recounts her journey behind creating her anthology, which spans from its initial publication in 2000 to its updated second edition (2023). The conversation extends to highlight the benefits and challenges of disclosure, emphasizing that speaking up is a highly transformative act that offers profound personal healing. They also share poignant stories from the book, notably those of Marian and Dorothy, sisters who only found the courage to speak about their abuse in their later years, showing that it's never too late to break the silence. This episode is a beacon for anyone seeking understanding or grappling with SSA.

Talking about shame with Sibling Sexual Trauma

Posted September 2024

Facing Our Shame: One Survivor’s Journey

Excerpt on Shame

Interview in Authority Magazine, with Yitzi Weiner

June 21, 2024

Interview on Late Night Health with Mark Alyn

March 30, 2024

Interview on WOWD, Talk of Takoma with Eric Bond

March 10, 2024

Interview with Donna Seebo

March 20, 2024

Interview on Motherhood Moment Blog

March 5, 2024

Book Nook - Not Child's Play: An Anthology of Brother-Sister Incest

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